Sotkamo - a tourist town - is located midway between Kajaani and Kuhmo. Sotkamo offers a wide range of services for an active vacation. More information about the attractions and services in Sotkamo and in Vuokatti.
Kajaani | Sotkamo | Kuhmo | Rimpi | Kuivajärvi and Hietajärvi | Border Crossing | Kostamuksha | Voknavolok | Sudnozero| Voinitsa | Kalevala | Haikola | Panozero | Yushkozero
Sotkamo - a tourist town - is located midway between Kajaani and Kuhmo. Sotkamo offers a wide range of services for an active vacation. More information about the attractions and services in Sotkamo and in Vuokatti.